Henrique Igor

Photos and videos in Patagonia

I love taking photos, producing videos and drinking coffee ☕

It’s incredible how Patagonia never ceases to amaze me and how much it teaches me about life and my profession.

On this website, you will see a little about my work and the way I see things. A brief summary of everything I’ve experienced here in this last years.

Discover my work

Languages ​​I am fluent in

Portuguese 🇧🇷

My native language

I was born in the state of Bahia

And I lived all my life in the state of São Paulo

Spanish 🇦🇷

The language I use to live here

I learned half of it with an online course I took and the other half by practicing with the locals in these last 3 years in Ushuaia ❤️

English 🇺🇸

The second language I speak best

It has been part of my life for more than 10 years, I use it every day, I consume a lot of content, it is also the main language I use when I go to study something.

Contact me

Send me a message on direct of my Instagram or my WhatsApp